
Dad Delivers Baby In Isuzu

David Wheatley of Stafford has joined that privileged group of men who can lay claim to having delivered their own child.

The makeshift midwife was aided in his joyous task last month by the family’s spacious and reliable Isuzu Rodeo.

Busy mucking out his horses early one morning, David heard wife Carla calling for him to come quickly.

He dropped everything, ran back to the house, scrubbed his hands, got Carla into the Rodeo and started to drive the 12 miles to Stafford hospital.

Just three miles from safety, Carla told him the baby wasn’t willing to wait.

"It all happened so quickly," said David.

"When Sophie, our five-year-old, was born, we were in hospital overnight waiting for things to happen. But, all of a sudden, there I was standing in the street at the passenger door, supporting the baby’s head, then his shoulders, and then all of him.

"My mum was there and was supposed to be relaying messages to me from the paramedics,” continued the proud new dad.

"But all I can remember is her shouting 'It’s a boy! It’s a boy!' We wrapped him in towels and within a few minutes the paramedic arrived and took over.

"Then an ambulance arrived to take Carla and him to hospital."

While a pick-up truck at the side of the road isn’t likely to feature in anyone's 'ideal place to give birth' list, the Wheatleys could have done far worse.

The Rodeo’s rear doors are much wider than most competitors and can be opened up to 68.5 degrees allowing easy entry and delivery.

Baby Reuben, who weighed in at 7lbs, and mum Carla are both doing well.


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