
December New Registration Growth

New car registrations rose in December by 38.9% to 150,936 units, it has been revealed.

However, full year registrations were down 6.4% to 1,994,999 units, the lowest level since 1995.

Since its introduction, the scrappage scheme has accounted for over a fifth of all new car registrations and is estimated to represent 20.8% of the December market.

Average new car CO2 emissions fell by 5.4% on the 2008 level to 149.5g/km in 2009.

"The December new car market was boosted by the Scrappage Incentive Scheme and consumers looking to avoid January’s VAT increase," said Paul Everitt, SMMT chief executive.

"The 2009 market of 1,994,999 new car registrations was significantly above early expectations and reflects the positive impact of the scheme, due to end in February."

He said another "tough year" awaits the UK motor industry in 2010, with new car registrations expected to be below 2009 levels and only limited recovery in the van and heavy commercial vehicle markets.

"Sustaining the progress made in the latter part of 2009 will require stronger demand from fleet and business buyers, alongside the greater availability and affordability of credit and finance," he added.


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