
Progress on Derry Roads Welcomed

Northern Ireland Regional Development Minister Conor Murphy has welcomed Roads Service's progress in the Derry City Council area.

Over the past year, the authority has invested a total of £21.5m in the region.

Speaking ahead of a meeting between Roads Service and Derry City Council, the Minister (pictured) said: "The dualling of the A2 Clooney Road between Maydown Roundabout and Derry City Airport, which commenced in May 2009, is progressing well and is on target for completion in November 2010.

"Ten archaeological sites were uncovered during the earthworks for the scheme. Site work is now complete on these finds and a report is being compiled by the archaeologists for the Environment Agency.

"Preparatory site work has recently commenced for the proposed improvements to Culmore Roundabout in Derry. The main contract to replace the existing roundabout with a large signalised gyratory roundabout is expected to start in early 2010.

"I announced the preferred routes for the A6 Derry to Dungiven Dualling and the A5 Western Transport Corridor in the summer of 2009. Preparatory work on the Environmental Statements and Draft Statutory Orders for these two schemes is progressing as planned.

"Already completed this financial year is a £187,000 scheme on the C516 Trench Road. The works involved widening approximately 500m of existing carriageway with the provision of grass verges to improve the forward sight distance. Enhanced visibility splays were also provided on either side of Killymallaght Road junction.

"In addition over 4.5km of carriageway has been resurfaced in the Derry City area including 270m of resurfacing on the A5 Victoria Road, 280m on the B507 Abercorn Road, 540m on the B523 Church Brae and 528m on the B74 Glenshane Road.

"A number of traffic calming measures and safety related schemes have also been completed in the area.

"These included the provision of right-turn lanes on the A6 at Lismacarrol Road and The Belfry; upgrading of the traffic signals at Strand Road / Clarendon Street; and new traffic islands on the A2 Buncrana Road between Templegrove and Skeoge Roundabout."

Roads Service Principal Engineer, Uel Wilson added: "Other works that are planned or ongoing this financial year include the route treatment of the A5 Newbuildings to Magheramason, involving provision of double-white line system (no-overtaking lines), enhanced junction warning signs and road markings and improvements to the road surface. Traffic calming measures are also proposed in the spring at Rossdowney Road, Eastway, Hawthorne Terrace, Knockwellan Park and at Carnhill.”

He continued: "The financial position for the next two years will depend on decisions made by The Executive. However Roads Service is still planning improvement schemes and welcomes comments from Council on its programmes."


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