George Shanks & Son, Newtownards

George Shanks & Son Contact Details

028 91 812 315
028 91 815 718
36B Donaghadee Road
County Down
BT23 7EU

About George Shanks & Son

We are a 3 generation family run business which has been trading in Newtownards for over 60 years. We are located on Donaghadee Road and have ample off- road parking. We supply a wide range of animal feeds (cattle, sheep, poultry, etc.), horse feed, pet foods, fertilisers, sprays, pigeon feeds and accessories.

We also supply a wide range of coal, gas, logs, lignite briquettes, firelighters and emergency home heating oil. We operate 6 days a week and offer free delivery within the local area.

Animal Feeds
We stock a wide range of animal feeds for cattle, sheep, pigs and goats and we are a UFAS (Universal Feed Assurance Scheme), approved merchant. We also have an extensive range of feed and accessories for poultry, canaries, budgies and parrots. Not forgetting the wild birds, we also supply wild bird seed, niger seed, fat balls and peanuts as well as feeders.

Horse Supplies
We stock many of the leading brands of horse feed including Pegus, Blue Grass, Bailey's, Red Mills, TopSpec and Dengie. We also supply a wide variety of chaffs, oils and feed supplements and a selection of accessories including grooming products, feed scoops and buckets, headcollars and leadropes and stable accessories.

Pet Supplies
We offer a wide range of complete feeds for cats and dogs, available in bags, tins and smaller quantities to suit your needs. Accessories include cat litter, dog collars & leads, bowls, brushes, shampoo and treats. A variety of feed for canaries, budgies, parrots and rabbits is also kept in stock.

Pigeon Supplies
We stock H. Beattie & Son, Versele Laga and Beyers Pigeon Corn. We also carry an extensive range of medicines, supplements grits and loft accessories.

Coal & Gas
We are stockists of premium quality Kingsberry Coal and keep a wide selection of open fire and smokeless fuel. We also provide logs, sticks, lignite briquettes, firelighters and emergency home heating oil. We also supply butane and propane gas cylinders in all sizes.

Other Products
We also stock:
  • Halmac Shavings for horses, cow bedding etc.
  • Yara Farm & Garden Fertiliser Products
  • Sprays & Sprayers (BASIS registered)
  • Scotts Renovator Pro - Garden Feed, Weed & Moss Killer
  • Grass Seed
  • Rubber Mats
  • Mouse and rat poison and other pest control goods
  • Cleaning products including sodium hypochlorite, Battle's Black and Jeyes Fluid
  • Charcoal and lighter fluid

For more information pleas Get in Touch

Location Map of George Shanks & Son