Bark N Beauty, Londonderry

Bark N Beauty Contact Details

Michael Shiels
07815 195677
24 Mullennan Road
County Down
BT48 9XN

About Bark N Beauty

Award winning Dog Groomer services in Derry/Londonderry

Bark n Beauty Spa is owned and operated by Michael Shiels an award winning and highly experienced dog groomer.

Michael prides himself in delivering only the very best in grooming services for all dogs as well as offering fully comprehensive and affordable dog groomer training courses helping people to invest in their future with a recognised qualification on completion of their training.

We are proud to be a member of the Irish Professional Dog Groomers Association and Training Provider as part of iPET Network East Midlands.

We offer a full range of dog grooming services all provided by multi award winning and highly experienced groomer Michael Shiels.

Michael specialises in creative grooming in addition to standard grooming for anyone that would like that extra special look for their dog. At Bark n Beauty Spa we welcome all dog breeds both big and small and we ensure each dog receives the care and attention it deserves to make sure their visit is a happy, fun and stress free experience for your pet. Our grooming services are as follows:
  • Full Groom (including bath & dry)
  • Bath & Fluff Dry
  • Hand Stripping
  • De-Matting
  • Clipping
  • Hand Scissoring
  • Styling & Trimming
  • Nail & Paw Care
  • Specialist Dog Grooming
  • Creative Dog Grooming


Ms Grooming Academy is one of Ireland's top leading schools of dog grooming. Michael prides himself in delivering only the very best in grooming services for all dogs as well as offering fully comprehensive and affordable dog groomer training courses helping people to invest in their future with a recognized qualification on completion of their training.

We are proud to be members of the Irish Professional Dog Groomers Association and a Training Provider as part of OCN Northern Ireland, OCN West Midlands and iPET Network .

If you would like the opportunity to become a satellite centre as part of the Michael Shiels Academy, teaching the OCN/AIM Level 3 Diploma in Commercial Dog Grooming, Animal Welfare and Salon Management qualification fill in the contact form today.

You must have held a level 3 diploma in dog grooming and have at least 5 years commercial dog grooming experience. We can also assist you in gaining your Level 3 Award in Education and Training.

If you are considering opening your salon as a satellite training centre, we offer availability throughout the UK and Ireland

We offer:
  • OCN NI Level 3 Diploma in Commercial Dog Grooming, Animal Welfare and Salon Management qualification.
  • Level 3 Stand alone Canine First Aid Course by OCN NI, OFQUAL regulated and CCEA approved.
  • Level 4 iPet Network Higher professional diploma in dog grooming.
We cater for all levels from beginner to experienced professionals who want to further their qualifications.

OCN NI Level 3 Diploma in Commercial Dog Grooming, Animal Welfare and Salon Management qualification
The course is delivered over 30 days with 29 days in-house practical training and 1 day canine first aid.

Over the period of 30 days students will groom a minimum of 10 different breeds in a minimum of 20 different styles but often many more. There are no pre-requisites to starting the course, meaning you can join at Level 3 without having completed a lower level (level 2) course first which can be a huge cost saving to students.

Students will be trained in practical skills such as bathing, scissoring, clipping, nail trimming, ear plucking and the qualification course includes hand-stripping.

Units included within this qualification are:
  • Understand animal welfare legislation and safe handling of dogs
  • Assess, plan and record grooming requirements
  • Prepare dogs for grooming and styling
  • Carry out styling and finishing of dogs
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of a pet first aider
  • Manage a dog grooming salon

  • Contact Us

    Location Map of Bark N Beauty