GMAC Utilities Ltd, Armagh

GMAC Utilities Ltd Contact Details

Gerald McCloskey
028 37 511 911
07823 526 240
16 Drumgaw Road
County Armagh
BT60 2AD

About GMAC Utilities Ltd

With the people, equipment, experience and grit that GMAC can bring to the project, it is clear that we are a supply chain partner that will compliment and support you in delivering excellent customer satisfaction on your projects. We have offices in Ireland and Wales and support activities through the UK, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Gmac have made substantial investment into the company. By purchasing numerous items of equipment, some bespoke, much state of the art, we aim to lead the field. Above all, this enables us to be able to meet clients’ requirements, keep up with demand, and always have the right tool for the job.

We run a large fleet of Ditch Witch and American Augers Machines, totaling 14 rigs which covers a full range of machinery from 10 – 250 tonne or 32mm to in excess of 1000mm pipework. In short this gives us the suitable machinery for any project. Subsequently, this our equipment, along with our knowledge, enable us to offer the correct advice and suitable machinery to undertake all directional drilling requirements.

Why Use Directional Drilling?
Directional drilling, and other trenchless solutions are usually chosen on a project for a variety of reasons. From environmental protection through to terrain challenges, infrastructure operation and costs, a trenchless solution is often the best choice from your project and GMAC have a range of options available.

  • Infrastructure Continuity:
    Maintain road and rail and even aircraft runway operation with no requirement to disturb the main infrastructure above the utility placement.

  • Terrain Difficulty:
    In locations where the existing terrain makes access with plant difficult, a trenchless solution can be the answer.

  • Environmental Protection:
    Where a sensitive area needs a utility service placed under it, be it a protected marsh, an SSSI or a river, a trenchless solution is the answer.

  • Reinstatement Costs:
    One use for trenchless solutions is where reinstatement of the terrain is costly. Long trenches in roads are prone to settlement issues which can be costly to resolve and a trenchless solution reduces the risks and costs by only requiring pits at strategic points.

Offering a variety of options from horizontal directional drilling through to guided auger-boring, percussion moling and shaft-sinking.

  • Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
  • Electro/Butt Fusion
  • Auger Boring
  • Vacuum Excavation
  • Percussion Moling
  • Shaft Sinking
  • Timber Heading

For more information please feel free to Contact us

Location Map of GMAC Utilities Ltd