Blaney Pump Services, Enniskillen

Blaney Pump Services Contact Details

David Bailey
028 6864 1634
07974 221331
361 Loughshore Road
County Fermanagh
BT93 7ER

About Blaney Pump Services

Blaney Pump Services is located in Blaney, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh.
We work with many suppliers of household and commercial waste management systems.
Working with Tricel as a global provider of high performance solutions for the Water, Environmental, Construction and Materials industries. Our company ethos "Generations of Innovation" is built around three interlinking themes; Innovation, Quality and Heritage, which have been developed over the last 40 years. We deliver innovative quality solutions that our customers can trust.

With manufacturing locations in 5 countries we possess a broad and distinct range of capabilities enabling us to supply a comprehensive range of products to over 50 countries

How a Tricel Vitae works:
The Vitae plant comprises of two chambers within one tank. Wastewater enters the primary chamber where solids settle to the bottom. Liquid wastewater is then transferred into the second chamber through siphon with a low energy air compressor.

A combination of aeration and rest phases promotes growth of millions of micro-organisms which consume and purify the liquid.

The treated liquid is then allowed to settle and any remaining sludge settles to the bottom of the chamber through the air lift system. The treated liquid is then passed from the tank to a discharge area.

European Certification Requirements:
Wastewater treatment plants must attain the European certification EN12566-3. Plants are tested for structural strength, water tightness, durability and treatment efficiency. These test results must be further verified and approved by the NIEA.

Tricel Vitae Wastewater treatment plants comply with all national requirements offering customers peace of mind that they are installing a fully approved plant. The exceed the 97.5% BODs standard making them suitable for direct discharge on consent.

Sewage Treatment Plant For Homeowners – Tricel Novo

Tricel Novo wastewater treatment plants are reliable, easy to install and simple to maintain for all wastewater requirements.

These highly functional plants can cater for ranges from 1 to 50 PE (population equivalents).

The Tricel Novo submerged aeration plant is suitable for domestic and light commercial or communal applications and uses simple proven fixed bed technology. Each system comprises of 3 independent treatment zones, all fulfilling a different stage of the purification process.

Key features & benefits:
  • Compression moulded SMC tank. The compression moulding process is one of the most technologically developed processes available to manufacture structural composites. Components are manufactured under heat and high pressure and have unrivalled strength and durability over standard GRP tanks or PE tanks.
  • SMC is unique in the wastewater treatment industry with Tricel SMC tanks operating in some of the harshest climatic conditions for over 50 years with no defects.
  • Tricel’s ceramic diffuser is unique in the domestic wastewater treatment plant market and will last twice as long as all standard competitors rubber equivalents. This saves money in both call out fees and replacement parts.
  • No concrete backfill for installation on most sites saving up to €400 over lower quality GRP/plastic competitors.
  • No moving parts or pumps in the plant ensuring reliable operation and minimal maintenance and repair costs.
  • Tricel Novo plants are designed with a shallow invert to reduce both installation and time costs.

Location Map of Blaney Pump Services