Castlederg auto electrics, Castlederg

Castlederg auto electrics Contact Details

028 8167 8878
07711 546622
7 Carrickadartins Road
County Tyrone
BT81 7NQ

About Castlederg auto electrics

Here at Castlederg Auto Electrics we cover all aspects of vehicle electrical faults. These may range from having a vehicle diagnostic health check to finding out why the wipers have stopped working. Over the years we have seen a lot of new changes and here at Castlederg Auto Electrics we have followed with more diagnostic tools to keep up with more and more programming. Latest kit this year is software that will allow us to add or remove modules with component security “VAG group”, keys added to cars, read virtually every vehicle`s security code, recalibrate mileage, update the vehicle software, etc, etc. Again the list is too long and well we don't want to give away all our secrets.

Servicing the trade and public we also repair vehicles for some larger dealer garages.

Some of what we do:
  • Electrical fault finding
  • Key programming
  • Ecu “electrical control unit” programming
  • ECU swapping
  • Security Pin code read from eeprom service
  • Updating car software to newest version
  • Instrument cluster swapping
  • Abs programming
  • Immobiliser repairs
  • Instrument cluster repairs
  • Vehicle electrical modifications
  • Resetting warning lights
  • Resetting service indicators

With the most comprehensive range of vehicle software solutions available we can fix any electrical fault on your vehicle.

As you may have noticed we are undergoing changes and diversifying our business over the last few months. There are still a lot of changes to happen and we believe it will improve the way your car is repaired with less down time.

My own field in this business has been from an electrical prospective, meaning that I see what other mechanics cannot. Too often we hear of, "oh I've had my car on a computer". Having a computer is one thing using it is another! Today`s vehicles are complex machines where having the knowledge and knowhow is a must. Experience and dedication have driven this passion to a degree where any vehicle can be diagnosed and repaired by logic. After all someone had to design and build it!

Reviews of Castlederg auto electrics

Star Rating
I would like to thank Jim very much - not only did he repair my car with top quality service but he had it worked out the issue within 10 minutes which 2 other garages failed to establish. I am so thankful Jim!!

Can you please thank Wendy for the great cup of tea!
Castlederg auto electrics 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings. 1 user reviews.

Location Map of Castlederg auto electrics